Main functions

gwmemory.gwmemory.frequency_domain_memory(model: str = None, q: float = None, total_mass: float = None, spin_1: Tuple[float, float, float] = None, spin_2: Tuple[float, float, float] = None, distance: float = None, inc: float = None, phase: float = None, **kwargs) Tuple[dict, ndarray]

Calculate the frequency domain memory waveform according to __reference__.

model: str

Name of the model, this is used to identify waveform approximant, e.g., NRSur7dq2, IMRPhenomD, MWM, etc.

q: float

Mass ratio of the binary being considered.

total_mass: float

Total mass of the binary being considered in solar units.

spin_1: array

Dimensionless spin vector of the more massive black hole.

spin_2: array

Dimensionless spin vector of the less massive black hole.

distance: float

Distance to the binary in MPC.

inc: float

Inclination of the binary to the line of sight. If not provided, spherical harmonic modes will be returned.

phase: float

Binary phase at coalescence. If not provided, spherical harmonic modes will be returned.

kwargs: dict

Additional model-specific keyword arguments.

frequency_domain_strain: dict

Memory frequency series, either in spherical harmonic modes or plus/cross polarisations.

frequencies: array-like

Frequency series corresponding to the memory waveform.

gwmemory.gwmemory.time_domain_memory(model: str = None, h_lm: dict = None, times: ndarray = None, q: float = None, total_mass: float = None, spin_1: Tuple[float, float, float] = None, spin_2: Tuple[float, float, float] = None, distance: float = None, inc: float = None, phase: float = None, **kwargs) Tuple[dict, ndarray]

Calculate the time domain memory waveform according to __reference__.

Example usage:

Using NR surrogate waveform __reference__ for an edge-on non-spinning, equal-mass, binary at a distance of 400 MPC.

h_mem, times = time_domain_memory(model=’NRSur7dq2’, q=1, total_mass=60,

distance=400, inc=np.pi/2, phase=0)

Using an EOBNR waveform __reference__ for an edge-on non-spinning, equal-mass, binary at a distance of 400 MPC.

h_mem, times = time_domain_memory(model=’SEOBNRv4’, q=1, total_mass=60,

distance=400, inc=np.pi/2, phase=0)

Using the minimal waveform model __reference__ for an edge-on non-spinning, equal-mass, binary at a distance of 400 MPC.

h_mem, times = time_domain_memory(model=’MWM’, q=1, total_mass=60,

distance=400, inc=np.pi/2, phase=0)

Using a pre-computed spherical harmonic decomposed waveform for an edge-on non-spinning, equal-mass, binary at a distance of 400 MPC.

h_mem, times = time_domain_memory(h_lm=h_lm, times=times, distance=400,

inc=np.pi/2, phase=0)

model: str

Name of the model, this is used to identify waveform approximant, e.g., NRSur7dq2, IMRPhenomD, MWM, etc.

h_lm: dict

Spin weighted spherical harmonic decomposed time series. If this is specified these polarisations will be used.

times: array

time series corresponding to the h_lm.

q: float

Mass ratio of the binary being considered.

total_mass: float

Total mass of the binary being considered in solar units.

spin_1: array

Dimensionless spin vector of the more massive black hole.

spin_2: array

Dimensionless spin vector of the less massive black hole.

distance: float

Distance to the binary in MPC.

inc: float

Inclination of the binary to the line of sight. If not provided, spherical harmonic modes will be returned.

phase: float

Binary phase as coalescence. If not provided, spherical harmonic modes will be returned.

kwargs: dict

Additional model-specific keyword arguments.

h_mem, dict

Memory time series, either in spherical harmonic modes or plus/cross polarisations.

times, array

Time series corresponding to the memory waveform.